“Il Pozzino” Riabilitation Center

The “Insieme Il Pozzino”  Pedagogical Residential Rehabilitation programme, is a personalised programme aimed at people with problems relating to psychoactive substance and alcohol addiction, including those in drug replacement therapy, who are aiming to get back into the socio-economic field. Enrolment in the programme happens through referral from Addiction Services (SerD) in the place of residence of the individual in question. The duration of the stay, albeit flexible and modular, is based on the individual strategy defined by the Addiction Services clinic of origin, the Service team and the individual themselves, at the time of enrolment. It is located in a building in the centre of Borgo San Lorenzo (FI) and can house up to 8 people over the age of 18, of either sex.  The Centre can also operate as an alternative to detention for other individuals. The team in the Centre work in close collaboration with local Social and Health Services  and has activated a vast Support Network in the area, consisting of entities in the world of employment (social cooperatives, private businesses), training agencies, recreational clubs and cultural/sporting/volunteer associations.

Commissioned by: USL Central Health-board Tuscany

Partners: Tuscany Support Services, U.I.P.E. di Firenze, MMG and Local Psychiatric Services run by the Central Health-board (USL Centro), training agencies, recreational clubs, local cultural/sporting/volunteer associations, especially the Catalyst Theatre Company Association.

Located in: Borgo San Lorenzo (FI) – Via del Pozzino 12

Objectives reached:  Every year 8 people over the age of 18 are admitted.