Prostitution street unit

Prostitution represents only one of the many aspects that characterise the various forms of exploitation of human beings, among which we also find labour exploitation (in the fields of construction, agriculture, hospitality, domestic and care work), forced begging and illegal activities (theft, drug dealing, arranged and forced marriages). The street unit helps people in the prostitution trade, trying to establish whether these people are being exploited by others. By means of a method that aims to create a relationship based on trust with the service user, operators do a lot of work to protect the health of prostitutes and that of all citizens. They offer important information on the risks linked with this activity and the socio-medical services that are available in the area. They also offer to accompany the service users to get health-screenings or with the process of getting legal documents. The street unit’s role is that of local monitoring, in relation to prostitution and its various forms at a local level, it offers accurate information regarding the emancipation from slavery to accessing a system of support for the victims of trafficking (SATIS Project). The team is made up of a coordinator, street unit workers and cultural/linguistic mediators; the work in the area happens on a weekly basis when the team goes out onto the street.

Through the SATIS service, immediate protection and where necessary, support to escape, is guaranteed. The service also offers socio-medical assistance, medium term psychological and legal support, with a particular focus on unaccompanied minors.

Contact: Lisa Bertini

Located in: Province di Firenze, Prato.

Commissioned by: Department of Equal Opportunity in the Prime Minister’s Office, Region of Tuscany – Department for Social Inclusion, Pisa Area Health-boards, Florence City Council, Fiorentina Nord Ovest Health-boards, Prato City Council